Search Results

Code Product
0004696013085 8 oz GEN 01308 FNCY SHP CHED SHRD
0004696013108 8 oz GEN MILD CHEDDAR SHRED
0004696013122 8 oz GEN 1312 CHEDDAR SHRED
0004696016550 8 oz *GEN WHIP TOP FRENCH VANILLA
0004696017168 16 oz *GEN 7% VEG SPREAD QUARTERS
0004696019049 12 ct GEN EGGS MED
0004696019063 12 ct GEN EGGS LARGE
0004696019070 12 ct GEN EGGS X LG
0004696019094 12 ct GEN EGGS JUMBO
0004696019100 18.00 CT GEN EGGS 18PK
0004696019117 6 ct GENUARDI'S WHITE EGGS 6 PK
0004696020045 64 fl oz GEN ICED TEA SWT W/LEMON *
0004696020069 64 fl oz GEN DIET ICED TEA *
0004696020083 64 fl oz GEN RASPBERRY ICED TEA *
0004696020106 64 fl oz GEN PEACH ICED TEA *
0004696020137 16 fl oz GEN ICED TEA *
0004696020144 16 oz GEN TEA ICED DIET *
0004696020151 16 fl oz GEN LEMONADE *
0004696020168 16 fl oz GEN FRUIT PUNCH *
0004696020359 64 fl oz GENUARDI'S OJ
0004696020366 64 fl oz GENUARDI'S OJ HOMESTYLE
0004696020373 64 fl oz GENUARDI'S OJ W/CAL & VIT D
0004696021387 64 fl oz GEN LEMONADE *
0004696021417 128.00 FO *GEN LEMONADE

Contest Tip:

Avoid Scams

Be careful of offers that indicate that you've "qualified" to win a big prize, and all you have to do is go to their location for a free presentation. If the sponsor of a contest is unclear, be wary. NEVER pay for anything in order to win a contest (except lottery tickets I suppose). If the prize is that your photo or poem will get published in a book that you're required to buy, don't believe it and definitely don't buy it! If you do win a contest, you'll never be asked for credit information or your banking information. Any attempt to solicit this is a scam. Requests for contact information and possibly a skill testing question are valid.